Religion and Deities
Religion is one of the most interesting and exciting aspects of the Threshold gaming universe. There are 12 deities that represent a variety of concepts, each with their own set of beliefs and their own goals for affecting and manipulating the world of mortals. The religions are led by player clerics and paladins who spread the word, recruit followers and worshippers, and serve the ends of their god or goddess. Together, all followers work to further the beliefs of their deity, and if necessary go into battle should the time for jihad be at hand!
Players take religion very seriously, and thus disagreements, debates, conflicts, and even all out wars are common. One should make their choice of religion very carefully, as it will shape one's life from that point forward in a very significant way. There is great reward, but also tremendous danger in pledging oneself to a deity of the Aether. Sometimes, the faithful find solace and sanctuary only within the protective halls of their deity's temple.