MUD Clients
MUSHclient - Free - Windows
Gypsum - Free - Windows, Mac, Linux
Mudlet - Free - Windows, Mac, Linux
CMUD - Free/Shareware - Windows
Savitar - Shareware - Mac
TinTin++ - A feature rich client for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. The three OS specific links contain pre-configured builds for playing Threshold.
Domain Name | |
Port Number | 3333 |
IP Number | |
BlowTorch for Android - An excellent free MUD client for Android phones.
Mukluk for Android - An excellent free MUD client for Android phones.
Mudrammer for iOS - iOS MUD client (Free).
Pocketmud PRO for iOS - iOS MUD Client (not free).
Threshold Flyer Advertisement
This simple MS Word .doc file is a one page advertisement for Threshold. It gives the web and telnet addresses, and a simple list of features and information about the game. If you wish to help publicize Threshold, please download this, and take copies of it to gaming stores, bookstores, computer labs, etc. where people who might be interested in playing Threshold will see it!
Click here to download the flyer
Threshold Advertising Banners
These banners are useful for advertising Threshold on your own web page — especially as links back to the Threshold page. To download one of these banners, simply right click on the graphic and Save Picture As a file on your hard drive.