
The dark and mysterious world of the Necromancer is one not to be explored without caution. It is a world where death is as interesting as life, and the study and mastery of both is paramount to any other concerns. Pain, disease, disfigurement, and the manipulation of life forces are all valid and perfectly acceptable means to expanding one's understanding of the nature of life and death.
Necromancers are very secretive about their studies, and many (though not all) tend to be very solitary and antisocial. Some think this is a result of severe mental illness and paranoia that develops in the mind of anyone who tinkers with the energies they work with. Many feel such forces are best left to the gods, and should not be explored by mortals. Others simply find their works repulsive, and avoid them out of sheer disgust.
To the necromancer however, knowledge and mastery of their art is what matters. If this means few people willingly associate with them, then so be it. Some people find their craft to be fascinating and actually very helpful. Those who disagree are really not important or useful (although maybe a use could be found for their organs...).
Guildmaster: Kraxe the Deathsmith